Kyoto University International Symposium, 2024
“Dynamics in Cell Communications”
Dec 4th(Wed) 2024, 11:00〜
Seminar House (North Campus)
Yoshiko Takahashi
Zoology, Graduate School of Science
11:00 Masafumi Inaba (Kyoto Univ)
Global coordination of gut elongation via long-range contractile waves
11:15 Kouji Kawamura (Kyoto Univ)
Self-organized patterning of peristaltic waves by macroscopic lateral inhibition
11:30 Yasuko Akiyama-Oda (BRH, Osaka)
Quantitative dissection of the spider segmented body plan at single-cell resolution
11:55 Roberto Mayor (University College London, UK)
Dynamics of Cellular Interactions during embryo development
12:25 Lunch
13:40 Kazuhiro Aoki (Kyoto Univ)
ZO-1 shuttles between tight junctions and podosomes by riding ERK activation waves during collective cell migration
14:05 Alessandro de Simone (Université de Genève, Switzerland)
How does a regenerating scale reach its final size and shape?
14:35 Takahumi Ikeda (Kyoto Sangyo Univ)
Left-right asymmetry formation by secreted ligands from the left-right organizer in zebrafish embryo
14:50 Break
15:20 Vanessa Barone (Stanford Univ, USA)
Cell-cell adhesion and the evolution of mesendoderm patterning in echinoderm embryos
15:50 Angela Nieto (CSIC-UMH, Alicante, Spain)
Epithelial plasticity trajectories in neural crest, renal fibrosis and breast cancer evolution
16:20-18:00 General Discussion