Physics and Astronomy
Diamonds are a chip's best friend
Zeus also plays billiards
Shedding new light on controlling material properties
Elusive "strange" nucleus is free of charge
Nuclear reactions triggered by lightning
Associate Professor Teruaki Enoto The Hakubi Center for Advanced Research and Department of…
Dr. Teruaki Enoto’s work among Physics World’s Top 10 Breakthroughs
Dr. Teruaki Enoto Research on nuclear reactions created in lightning strikes by Program-…
Lightning, with a chance of antimatter
Japanese netizens help scan lightning for gamma rays Japan -- A storm system approaches:…
Key to the Mysteries of Black Hole Formation
Radiative Feedback Shaping the Close Environments of Accreting Massive Black Holes Kyoto…
Yuji Matsuda Announced to Be Highly Cited Researchers 2017
Prof. Yuji Matsuda Clarivate Analytics (Formerly the IP & Science Department of Thomson…
The star that burns twice as bright
An helium explosion heralds the end of a dying star An international astronomical team…
"Seeing" black holes with home-use telescopes
All you need is a 20 cm telescope to observe a nearby, active black hole. An international…
Tiniest particles shrink before exploding when hit with intense X-ray laser
Unanticipated Response to Intense Laser Light Has Broad Implications for Ultrafast X-ray Science…