Introduction & Policy Outline

Chemistry, as the core investigative system of "Material Science," has played a central role in the development of this science which supports contemporary society, built around the hubs of a systematic understanding of the principles and laws governing the character of material, and the creation of newer and more expedient materials. The research objective of chemistry is all materials which exist as gases, liquids, and in a solid state, and ranges diversely from simple organic & inorganic compounds and metallic units to complex organism-related molecules.
The Division of Chemistry is comprised of 28 laboratories, 18 from the Department of Chemistry (Kitashirakawa Campus), 8 from the Institute for Chemical Research (Uji Campus), 1 from the Institute for Frontier Life and Medical Sciences (Hospital Campus), 1 from the Institute for Reactor Research (Kumatori Campus), and 3 laboratories headed by the adjunct faculty members of Kyoto University.
The field of research and education in the Division of Chemistry envelopes the diversity and multilayer characteristics which chemistry possesses, and is mainly classified into four areas: Theoretical & Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry of Materials, Organic Chemistry, and Chemical Biology. By integrating the study of these four areas, we are developing ultimately desired innovations in the fundamental fields such as the precise description of chemical reactions and the methodology to synthesize arbitrary molecules. Additionally, our objective in this Division is to enhance fundamental chemical concepts into a highly complex system including vital phenomena, and as a result foster graduate students who can accomplish such research.
Research Fields:
- Core Courses:
Solid-State Chemistry / Biological Structural Chemistry / Quantum Chemistry / Theoretical Chemistry / Molecular Spectroscopy / Electron Spin Chemistry / Physical Chemistry / Photo-physical Chemistry / Molecular Chemical Physics / Molecular Materials Science / Solid State Physics and Chemistry / Inorganic Chemistry of Materials / Surface Chemistry / Synthetic Organic Chemistry / Organic Chemistry / Organic Chemistry of Molecular Assembly / Chemical Biology / Fluid Chemistry - Cooperation Courses:
Organoelement Chemistry / Electron Microscopy and Crystal Chemistry / Molecular Aggregation Analysis / Chemistry of Functionalized Surfaces / Hydrospheric Environment Analytical Chemistry / Advanced Inorganic Synthesis / Advanced Solid State Chemistry / Nanospintronics / Gene Analysis / Radiation Biochemistry and Biological Function
Division of Chemistry(external link)